The Lancet invite abstract submissions for Public Health Science: A National Conference Dedicated to New Research in UK Public Health to be held in London at Mary Ward House, UK, on Nov 24, 2017.
This year we will again be awarding both oral and poster presentation prizes. To be entered, tell us if you are a pre-PhD researcher (eg, MSc student, foundation year trainee, research assistant, public health trainee, or academic clinical fellow), PhD student, or postdoctoral trainee (clinical lecturers, clinician scientist fellows, or equivalent posts) when you submit your abstract. Public Health England is also sponsoring a prize for the best piece of implementation research that will be selected from all submissions.
Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words, be written in English, and contain no references, tables, or figures. Submissions should include the following sections: background (including context and aim), methods, findings, and interpretation. Please also include a non-declamatory title (including a study descriptor—eg, randomised); names, titles, highest degrees, and affiliations of authors; postal and email addresses for the corresponding author; any funding received (if none, please state this); and a brief summary of the contributions of each author and any competing interests. Abstract guidelines are available on The Lancet‘s website. Reports of randomised trials should follow the CONSORT extension for abstracts.
Please submit your abstract as a Microsoft Word document through The Lancet’s online submission system and state in your covering letter that the submission is for the Public Health Science conference. The abstract submission deadline is June 19, 2017. After The Lancet‘s peer-review process, participants will be informed of acceptance of abstracts for oral or poster presentation by Aug 25, 2017.
You can now book your place at the conference at the HG3 booking website here –